Weekly Workout Update #2

Motivational quote #inspiration #wordstoliveby:

Hi again beautiful  people in the second workout update of the year. This week was a busy busy busy week. I was planing on posting tow blog posts before this update and I didn't even have time to set on my laptop other then today because we were - meaning me and my family - on road trip and it was so so so much fun but so tiring also. Know we are back home back to my regular schedule I will be posting more this week - hopefully Insha Allah -.

This week I decided to do the Free 5 Day Workout Challenge for Busy People from FitnessBlender and I was not able to do all of the 5 workouts this week I had to take a break in the middle of the week with all the traveling it just was not happening and in the beginning of the week I didn't do any workout because I was sore from the week before.

Sunday: Rest Day

Monday: Busy Day

Wednesday:Day 2: Fat Burning/Cardio/Upper Body

Thursday: Traveling Day

Friday:Day 3: Fat Burning HIIT Cardio and Abs

Saturday:Day 4: Strength and Yoga Blend

Because I wasn't able to set every day on my laptop an update day to day how I felt after each workout I'm going to give you my general opinion on this challenge which I'm going to finish and do the last day today. This challenge was really good because it give you the choice to make it as hard or as easy as you want. For day 1 and 2 it was relatively easy for me I don't know maybe I didn't push myself hard enough but it steal got my heart pumping and I was breathing hard. Day 3 and 4 they were hard and I definitely felt it especially day 4 my arms were shaking by the end of the workout and they are steal sore. All in all it was a good week my goal this year is to workout at least 3 days a week, 5 days is perfect, 6 days is amazing.

That's all for this update hope fully you find it helpful and I see in next week update.

Thank you for reading.


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