Monthly Favorites - April
Hi again beautiful people,
Long time no posts and I'm going to talk about that in anther post but know let's talk about my favorites for the month April and I know it's late but butter late then never.
In the beginning of the month I watched Eddie The Eagle in the cinema beautiful movie I love love loved it amazing story full of emotion and I would watch it again and I recommend you watch it too.
I get this pale blue ribbed top from new look and I didn't think much of it other than it was on sale and it looked nice but little that I know it was my favorite top it just looks so nice on and it fit amazingly and now I wanna get every style of the pale blue ribbed top that they have. Obviously the color is just perfect for this time of year.
Something else I been enjoying is having a daily to do list to keep track of the things I have to get done and to help me achieve my long or short term goals.
The Fung Bros I love watching there food videos they make you hungry and they make you laugh.
That's all for my April favorites long long long month and few favorites but hope fully next month favorites will be better.
Thank you for reading.

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