Weekly Workout Update #13
Hi again beautiful people,
I had a good workout week it wasn't intense I loved all the workout's that I did and it's that time of the month so I'll be taking it easy and I been taking it easy. The main thing that I'm working on is to add more healthy food choices to my every day food and it's a slow process but I'm getting there.
52 Minute Intense Fat Burning Cardio Intervals and Butt and Thigh Workout
Strong, Lean, Toned Arms, Chest and Shoulders Workout - Lift Like you Mean It!
24 Minute At Home Abs Workout - Ab Blasting Interval Workout
Fat Blasting Booty Builder - HIIT Cardio and Strength Training Workout
At Home Cardio Workout to Burn Fat and Tone (High & Low Impact Modifications)
Shoulder Sculpting Workout with Kelli and Daniel - Shoulder Workout for Strength
Rest day
Rest day
That's all for this week update.
Thank you for reading.

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